Case Studies

Case Study A

On admission "A" was 12 years of age. She had been neglected by her birth mother and had experienced 27 moves in her short life before coming to Future In Mind. Previous testing indicated she was unable to read or write and that her capacity to socially integrate would lead to a future requiring much support.  
"A" was found to have been suffering from complex trauma and not only was she coping with several rejections from her family, but that she had also suffered sexual abuse and bullying by several other children during her various 'placements'.  
"A" was also dissociating and would flip into 'other personalities' accompanied by a rage that would require her to be safely held to avoid harm to herself and others. Her Attachment capacities were tested and she was found to be disorganised and disorientated, the most extreme of categories.  
She was placed on the Attachment Programme and therapeutic work began. The multiple traumas were reprocessed and we began to see a 'calm and capable' "A".  
In the four year period she has been with us she has obtained 4 GCSE's, obtained a place in college and has successfully joined community based clubs.

Case Study B

"B" was 11 years old on admission. He was thought to have autism and/or ADHD. However, the Clinical Psychologist involved just prior to his coming to live with us was able to rule this out.  
Our Assessment of "B" indicated that he was Disorganised/Disorientated in his Attachments. His speech was so fragmented that he often could not be understood leaving him (and those working with him) very frustrated.  
In the past he had had a difficult childhood and experienced neglect and later further emotional and physical abuse leaving him traumatised. He would often rage at the most trivial of things and could not tolerate anyone moving his personal belongings to the point where his food e.g. Beans and chips could not touch on his plate.  
He was placed on the Attachment programme and he began therapy. The trauma of his past was reprocessed and he began to cope with main stream school. He recently left us as he was able to self regulate his emotions and memories without the overwhelming flood of emotions.  
He has been able to attach in a positive way to his foster carers. He is on the school counsel and is an advocate for other children. "B" is working towards his GCSE's and hopes to go on to further education. 

Case Study C

"C" was 13 years on admission and he and his siblings had been so severely neglected that his birth parents were initially given a prison sentence.  
On arrival he had no idea what music he liked, had never experienced seeing Christmas lights, the fairground or even bonfire night.  
His senses were severely impaired as he had not had the opportunity to taste a variety of foods. He was unable to dress himself without assistance or to make decisions about the appropriate clothing to wear for different activities.  
Due to the impact on his brain he was also unable to feel pain or the cold.  
Again he embarked on the full therapeutic programme, and after the various traumas were reprocessed "C" was able to attend college on a full time basis.  
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