Future In Mind offers a system of care for working with damaged and potentially damaging young people that is sensitive to their needs but does not lose sight of the need for clear boundaries and guidance for young people.
At the very heart of Future in Mind is a caring philosophy and a genuine commitment to making a real difference for young lives. We believe that each individual is special and has the ability to make the changes to repaire their past and prepare a positive future.
Underlying all our work with young people is the understanding that behaviours demonstrated by them are often a reflection of emotional and psychological difficulties brought about by past experiences which have frequently been traumatic.
Staff at Future In Mind are trained to see beyond the presenting behaviours and to help young people to be empowered by gaining positive control over their own behaviours and consequently their futures.
Through its combination of high standard residential care and Individual Programmes Future In Mind engages young people and enables them change their problematic behaviours. As part of our commitment to the therapeutic process within the residential homes, all staff receive training in understanding therapeutic techniques, including training in practical techniques that can be used safely with young people. A proportion of staff are supported on external courses to gain Practitioner Certificates.
This commitment to staff training ensures that the care in the residential homes actively supports the therapeutic process.
The philosophy of Future In Mind is that all young people have a right to be heard and to play an active part in their own therapeutic journey.